Monday, September 12, 2011


(Pictures are clickable links.)
Since singing in church in July, I have been asked to sing again, I'll be singing with the kids and also in a quartet in October.
The dermatologist told me that my moles were not cancerous and it's nice to have my face back!
My husband's surgery has healed nicely, and he also did not have cancer.
My grandma is now out of the hospital and back home - feeling well.  She says that she knows why she went there and that she's not going back until it's the end because she doesn't want to do that to the people she loves again.
My little Ana is now completely potty trained, with only a few accidents in the past month!  WAHOO!
It took Tressa 6 days before she walked again, and that was with us reminding her that she could!  Since she had been scooting for so long, she automatically did that, but the next day she was walking again as if nothing had happened!


  1. Hooray for a cancer-free house! I saw you after your moles were removed and didn't even notice - sheesh. :D

  2. Amy - LOL! It's ok. To me, that just means that you never really noticed when they were there in the first place! :)
