Wednesday, September 7, 2011

Preschool Prompts a "Funny" From Ana

Yesterday preschool for my two youngest was a hit!  We're doing joy school with our neighbors - so much fun!  There are so many moms interested in participating that we have 2 classes going.  One for the "older kids" and one for the "younger kids".  I don't think Ana understood what was going on, other than she got to go play with other kids and sing songs.  Sure, she had fun, but Tressa - Tressa understood that this was a HUGE milestone in her life!  She also feels like this might get her one step closer to being more like her older sister.

She constantly compares herself to Jessie and she so wants to be like her.  Yesterday she just kept saying, "Soon I'll be able to read like Jessie, huh Mom?"  She was so excited about getting her binder for preschool that she had to take it when we went to get Jessie from school because she wanted to show her as soon as possible!  With her competitiveness and how eager she is to be like her older sister, I will not be a bit surprised if she's reading before kindergarten.

And all day long she wanted to know how her Daddy would like her binder.  (Luckily for us Daddy was adequately excited when he saw it!)

Of course, Tressa and Ana were telling stories about preschool (with Mom interpreting at times, or throwing in an extra word or two to clarify).  One of the stories that came up was when Tressa surprised everyone by knowing what day it was when it was time for the calendar moment. Well, with all the excitement, and talk about the day, the month, the season and so on, it's no wonder that Ana was thinking of it all and taking it in, but with an almost 3 year old's understanding.

When we were getting ready for bed Ana was asking me about Tressa's white spot.  (Both Jessie and Ana have a white spot of skin on their body.)  When I told her that Tressa didn't have one, she said, "Did she leave it in September, Mommy?"

1 comment:

  1. Too cute! :D I'm glad they're enjoying joy school so much!
