Friday, September 2, 2011

My "crippled" child

So I think I might know what it's like to have a "lame" child....  Not lame, like the slang version, but the first version in the dictionary, as in:  crippled or physically disabled, especially in the foot or leg so as to limp or walk with difficulty.  The reason why I think this is because Tressa fell on the way to get Jessie from school on Tuesday and scraped up her knee pretty bad.  It's not like this is the first time she's scraped up her knees, but this was the kind that's so deep it wasn't bleeding, but actually oozing clear liquid.  (Poor kid!)  And she hasn't walked on it since then. 
No, seriously.  She scoots on her bum or hops on one foot.  In fact, her little hiney has rug burn on it from scooting so much.  We keep trying to tell her that she can probably walk on it now.  We've tried bribes and threats, but neither one has worked!  She still continues to scoot.  It's amazing how many things she can do, even though she's not walking "normally".  She still plays - although not as actively - and goes all over the house, she just does it in a different way.
Pulling herself up to the table.
I'm not sure if she's scared it's going to hurt, or if it actually does hurt?  Either way I'm hoping that she'll only be "lame" for a few more days!

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